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Horoscope for 2024

by 혜오리 2024. 7. 9.

Horoscope for 2024


In 2024, all zodiac signs will experience changes brought about by Pluto. Starting in January, Pluto begins to shift, bringing energy that disrupts the established hierarchies of the existing zodiac signs, particularly impacting Aquarius. When such energy meets Pluto, change is inevitable. Life directions may completely alter. Even if not immediate, a dramatic shift will happen in the near future, prompting the need to seek better opportunities through change. This period will see an explosive release of potential, offering a chance to pursue dreams and ideals, so don't miss this timing if you have set goals.

Occasionally, the energy created by other passing planets will bring gifts. In April, the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus will present unexpected opportunities. Even if they are unforeseen proposals, they will make your surroundings more vibrant and enjoyable, so it's advisable to seize them. Summer will see Neptune adding to this energy, leading to various events defining the next decade. As usual, Venus and Mars complement each other, adding romance. This year, with Venus moving fast and Mars moving slow, their synergy may bring surprises, particularly creating strong romantic energy.

If you've felt a downturn in the past few years, a turning point can be expected from this summer onwards. However, the growth will be horizontal rather than vertical. Instead of rising upward, you will expand broadly, encompassing a vast environment. With "change" being the key word for the year, many events will unfold. Your interests will diversify, and you will meet people from various fields, broadening your horizons. As you have previously focused on developing in one area, it may take some time to adapt to new situations, so take it slow. Trust your instincts when something seems wrong, and you will navigate challenges smoothly.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) 2024 will be a year of self-reflection. You'll assess how far you've come and how far you still need to go in your journey. Aquarians will delve into change to prepare for the future, possibly refining both their inner and outer selves or establishing new values. You might want to find a new job or move to a field where you can utilize your talents, but it's wise to consider actions and outcomes before drawing conclusions. The most crucial aspect is to boldly let go of past thoughts and values. With a new perspective, you might find fresh solutions you hadn't thought of before.

Financially, Saturn's pressure continues from last year. Impulse purchases or excessive spending may occur in the first half of the year, so plan thoroughly and stay alert. By late summer, your finances will stabilize, allowing for some desired purchases. Toward the year's end, financial stability will further solidify. This year, romantic energy is high, but the potential for long-term development is lacking. You may find life energized by brief encounters. A friendship could turn into a sweet romance in May, but sudden obstacles might nullify it. Numerous events or other romantic interests might appear at once. By the end of the year, a strong romantic vibe will arise but soon dissipate, leaving behind the joy of momentary excitement.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) 2024 is a year for organizing your thoughts. Like last year, Pisces might feel restricted and not free, under Saturn's influence. Obstacles couldn't be avoided even if you had desires. Though naturally optimistic, Pisces might still feel a negative aura lingering, potentially lowering confidence. Remember to trust your abilities. The world is unpredictable, but there are always opportunities for those who seize them. If mistakes happen, continue as if nothing went wrong. In your career, you might receive new proposals, but despite being appealing, they might not be highly feasible. Focusing on your current tasks could be the best path for a brighter future.

November promises significant achievements for your efforts, bringing praise and motivation for greater challenges. Sweet rewards might come, but unexpected expenses could cause financial cracks, so be cautious. When income and expenses are irregular, wait for progress and establish a long-term financial plan. Early in the year, a past lover might tempt you; be wary not to fall for it. Couples might face emotional rifts due to an eclipse. Instead of diving in to solve it, let time work its magic. Minor misunderstandings will resolve on their own, and relationships will recover smoothly.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20) A good aura surrounds Aries. Mars completes a full circle around Aries for the first time in two years, particularly benefiting career advancement. Pluto soon follows but doesn't hinder Mars' flow. With no obstacles ahead, you can push forward with your plans successfully for the first time in ten years. If you have ambitious plans, take action at the start of the year when Mars' energy is at its peak. While the first half of the year will be hectic with goal realization, the second half will be more relaxed. If you need to resolve issues in the second half, looking at them from a broader perspective will ease compromises.

In terms of finances, April calls for frugality due to the energy drain from an eclipse. Lifestyle changes could be an excellent solution. Fortunately, May and October will see money accumulating smoothly. In August, managing unexpected expenses is crucial; even if large sums appear suddenly, be cautious with spending. Overall, romance is favorable this year. February, when Venus and Mars meet, could bring realizations about each other's significance or transform friendships into deep affection. However, Pluto's influence might rush things, so be cautious. While Aries seeks familiar, stable relationships, your partner might desire adventurous ones. If your partner's haste makes you uncomfortable, remember that deep conversations are the best approach.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) An extraordinary year unfolds. 2024 is filled with possibilities to achieve what might only happen in books or movies. Unprecedented opportunities arise, acting as keys to the future Taurus has long dreamed of. Particularly in April, Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus, making 2024 even more special. Since such a conjunction won't happen again until 2107, believe in and follow through with unexpected events, trusting they are what you've been waiting for. Over the past five years, Uranus has steadily passed through Taurus, pioneering new paths. Though changes brought by Uranus might not have seemed beneficial then, do not miss the opportunities coming early this year. You'll realize your life has improved through these upheavals. Sudden changes might initially appear disastrous, but consider them opportunities for a fresh start.

If you take a passive or defensive stance, you might regret missing out on good offers. Post-summer, Pluto's energy will bring dramatic and exciting career changes. You can also dream of new romances due to Venus and Mars' influence. If you're hesitating due to financial concerns, don't worry. After Jupiter encounters Uranus, it moves into Taurus' financial sector and remains there for the rest of the year. Unexpected expenses will recover quickly, and financial ease will increase toward the year's end.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) A broad and long-term perspective is necessary. From late May until June 2025, Jupiter's influence will bring constant good proposals. This might make your current job, which you have diligently pursued, less satisfying. It's up to Gemini to choose from the new opportunities brought by Jupiter. If manageable, you can select multiple options, but spreading yourself too thinly might make you miss out on good chances. It's better to find a place where you can commit long-term rather than moving around. It's a venture worth the risk, so don't worry if the opportunity you choose doesn't succeed. When starting a new journey, give your best to unfold your passion and ambition like a yacht's sail.

In this process, you'll get chances to use talents you've never tried before, so look forward to it. Romance gains momentum and enters a stable phase after late August. Couples might take a step further, and singles might find new interests. Beware of minor conflicts in March and October. Avoid brushing off issues between partners as they could stress one side more. Financially, there are no major issues. June and October are particularly favorable, so make a note.

CANCER (June 22 - July 22) If you dream of a different life, this year is a turning point. For the past 15 years, Pluto has opposed Cancer, blocking every new endeavor or step toward long-term dreams. However, starting in 2024, the constraints imposed by Pluto will lift. Freed from limitations and obligations, Cancers can think and act without hindrance. It may take time to get used to, but as long as you don't rush, everything will fall into place naturally. Of course, you're not completely out of Pluto's range. Long-term plans and the future will still be influenced, but not to the extent that you're immobilized.

If there's a gateway you want to cross, courageously knock on it. Especially if you wish to change your career, this year is ideal. There’s no better time to display your regained confidence and talents. Although you can't see the concrete results of the new changes right away, this journey will undoubtedly be a great foundation for your growth. With Pluto's strong interference gone, relationships and social interactions will flow more smoothly. Previously, you preferred stable relationships, but this year, your thoughts will change. Experiencing turbulent changes, you'll realize the strength and trust built through mutual dependence and the happiness within. Don’t worry much about money. Financial fortune continues in spring and early summer, and despite significant spending in July and August, you'll recover easily in November and December.

LEO (July 23 - August 22) 2024 is set to be the best year. The most active and powerful planets are in Leo’s chart, leading to many events. The significant point is that these life changes occur in the public, not private, sphere. Uranus ignites momentum, boosting career prospects. With clear goals and ambitions, the dream position is in sight. Post-October, significant career progress will be evident. With confidence and dignity, it's a time to look forward to. The results will surpass your expectations, leading you on the path to success. Remember, small distractions and obstacles can hinder your success. Don’t overlook minor issues. If you feel unease, it's wise to address them immediately.

Since the momentum of change is enormous, leverage it to expand opportunities. Even if the workload increases, it is essential to follow through. Sometimes a new opportunity might not be easily visible. Make careful decisions, especially in June and October. From spring, love life will be more exciting. There's a possibility of meeting your partner in unexpected places or situations, or a past lover might return. If you already have a partner, deepening the relationship could lead to the next level. Despite being busy with career matters, balance is key. By summer, romance will become more stable. Financially, there's a tendency to splurge early in the year. However, the money spent will not be wasted. Post-October, financial luck will stabilize.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 23) Focus on collaboration and teamwork this year. Over the past years, you've been working independently, but 2024 calls for cooperative ventures. Group projects will thrive, and there will be opportunities to showcase your expertise within a team. The first half of the year will bring new connections. March and April are ideal times for forming strong partnerships. Don’t hesitate to join forces with like-minded individuals, as this will bring mutual benefits.

Romance will flourish, especially in the second half of the year. A deep bond may form with someone who shares your professional interests, merging personal and professional lives harmoniously. Financially, be cautious in the spring but expect a significant boost in late summer. Investments made now could yield substantial returns later in the year.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) 2024 emphasizes stability and growth. After a period of unpredictability, this year promises a more balanced life. Saturn’s influence will provide the discipline needed to focus on long-term goals. It’s a great time to invest in personal development or education. You might find yourself drawn to new hobbies or subjects that enhance your skill set.

Relationships will see a shift towards deeper commitments. Single Libras may find a partner who shares similar values, while those in relationships will work towards mutual goals. Financially, prudence is key. Avoid risky ventures in the spring, but by the end of the year, your finances will be more secure.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) Transformation is the theme for 2024. Major changes are on the horizon, particularly in your personal life. Pluto’s influence will bring a shift in how you perceive relationships and personal boundaries. It’s a year for setting new standards and letting go of past grievances.

Professionally, you’ll experience a surge of creativity and innovation. New projects will bring recognition, and your leadership skills will be in demand. Financially, it’s a mixed bag. Spring will be challenging, so manage expenses carefully. However, the latter half of the year brings opportunities for financial growth through strategic investments.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) A year of expansion and exploration awaits. Jupiter’s influence will urge you to broaden your horizons, be it through travel, education, or new experiences. Embrace change and step out of your comfort zone. The first half of the year is perfect for setting new goals and embarking on adventures.

Romance will be thrilling. Unexpected encounters could lead to meaningful relationships. Financially, keep an eye on your spending. The middle of the year may bring unexpected expenses, but by autumn, your financial situation will improve significantly.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) 2024 is about consolidation and progress. After a period of hard work, it’s time to reap the rewards. Saturn and Pluto will support your professional ambitions, helping you achieve significant milestones. It’s a year to solidify your position and take on leadership roles.

Personal relationships will be supportive. You’ll find strength in your connections, and those around you will play a crucial role in your success. Financially, it’s a stable year. Avoid unnecessary risks and focus on long-term investments. By year’s end, your financial situation will be robust.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) This year focuses on expansion and exploration. Sagittarius will feel a pull towards broadening horizons, both physically and intellectually. Travel, education, and new experiences will play a significant role. Embrace the spirit of adventure and be open to changes that come your way.

Romantic life will be exciting, with opportunities for new relationships and deepening existing ones. Financially, cautious management is advised in the first half of the year. Unexpected expenses may arise, but the latter part of the year promises financial growth through strategic investments and opportunities.

Horoscopes for 2023

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

2023 will be a year of significant personal growth for Aries. With Jupiter in your sign for the first half of the year, expect plenty of opportunities for expansion in both personal and professional realms. Embrace new challenges and trust in your abilities to overcome obstacles. Relationships will deepen, and singles may find a meaningful connection. Financially, be cautious with expenditures in the spring, but the latter half of the year promises stability and growth.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

For Taurus, 2023 will be a year of transformation. Uranus continues to influence your sign, bringing unexpected changes. Embrace these shifts as opportunities for growth. Career-wise, new paths will open up, leading to potential advancements. In relationships, be open to new experiences and perspectives. Financially, the year begins with caution, but by summer, your financial situation will improve, allowing for some indulgence.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

2023 will be a year of creativity and exploration for Gemini. With Jupiter moving through your sector of creativity, you'll find new ways to express yourself. Career opportunities will arise, especially in fields related to communication and technology. Relationships will be harmonious, with opportunities for singles to meet interesting partners. Financially, it's a year of stability, but avoid unnecessary risks in investments.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

For Cancer, 2023 focuses on home and family. Jupiter's influence will bring harmony and growth in your personal life. It's an excellent year for making home improvements or even moving to a new place. Career-wise, steady progress is expected. Relationships will be nurturing, and single Cancers may find someone who shares their values. Financially, be cautious in the first half of the year, but by autumn, you'll see improvements.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

2023 will be a year of social expansion for Leo. With Jupiter in your social sector, expect plenty of opportunities to connect with others. Networking will play a crucial role in your career advancement. Relationships will be dynamic, with chances to meet new people and form meaningful connections. Financially, it's a year of growth, but avoid impulsive spending in the spring.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

For Virgo, 2023 is a year of professional growth. Jupiter's influence will bring opportunities for career advancement. Focus on developing your skills and taking on new responsibilities. Relationships will require attention, especially in balancing work and personal life. Financially, the year begins with stability, but careful planning is needed to avoid unexpected expenses.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

2023 will be a year of personal growth for Libra. With Jupiter in your sector of personal development, you'll have the chance to focus on self-improvement. Career-wise, new opportunities will arise, especially in creative fields. Relationships will be supportive, with chances to deepen existing connections. Financially, it's a stable year, but avoid unnecessary risks in investments.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

For Scorpio, 2023 will be a year of transformation and rebirth. Jupiter's influence will bring opportunities for deep personal growth. Career-wise, it's a time to focus on long-term goals and strategic planning. Relationships will be intense, with chances to form deep connections. Financially, be cautious in the first half of the year, but by summer, you'll see improvements.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

2023 will be a year of exploration for Sagittarius. With Jupiter in your travel and learning sector, you'll have plenty of opportunities to broaden your horizons. Career-wise, new opportunities will arise, especially in fields related to education and travel. Relationships will be exciting, with chances to meet new people. Financially, it's a year of growth, but avoid impulsive spending.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

For Capricorn, 2023 will be a year of consolidation and growth. Jupiter's influence will bring stability and opportunities for advancement in your career. Focus on building a strong foundation for the future. Relationships will be supportive, with chances to deepen existing connections. Financially, it's a stable year, but careful planning is needed to avoid unexpected expenses.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

2023 will be a year of innovation for Aquarius. With Jupiter in your sector of creativity and innovation, you'll have plenty of opportunities to explore new ideas. Career-wise, it's a time to focus on new projects and collaborations. Relationships will be dynamic, with chances to form new connections. Financially, be cautious in the first half of the year, but by autumn, you'll see improvements.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

For Pisces, 2023 is a year of spiritual growth. Jupiter's influence will bring opportunities for deep personal and spiritual development. Career-wise, it's a time to focus on long-term goals and strategic planning. Relationships will be nurturing, with chances to deepen existing connections. Financially, be cautious in the first half of the year, but by summer, you'll see improvements.
